Sunday, June 28, 2009

Keagan Tries Watermelon

One of us thought this was really funny.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Break Out!

Keagan was hanging out in his playpen this afternoon. Doesn't it look like he's plotting his escape?

Hanging Outside

Today we took my monkey bounce chair outside and had lots of fun. (sorry about the shadows, my patio area was half in shade).

Rubber Ducky

Keagan's still teething - and is chewing on EVERYTHING. His new favorite chew toy - his rubber ducky.

Monday, June 22, 2009

1 Month Home

Can you believe Keagan's already been home for an entire month?! Look how much he's already grown. The first picture was taken the first week he was home, the rest were taken today.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Just Playing

Playing with one of the many toys Grandma and Grandpa brought me. Can't wait to see them again. Happy Father's Day Grandpa!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

That's Chilly

Mom got me some teething rings that she put in the freezer. I'm not sure if I like it or not.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Keagan's New Toy

Mom finally bought new batteries for the step & play piano. She's rethinking that purchase.

Shots Stink

Keagan got his first shots since arriving home yesterday. Both Keagan and Mom have decided that they're no fun at all. He has to wear this little sun sticker as part of his TB testing. The trick is to get him to leave it on his arm. As you can see - the bandaids on his legs didn't last long once we got home. The good news, the doctor says his ravenous appetite is actually a good thing and that he's still trying to do some catch up growing. He's up to almost 17 pounds now and the doctor says he's still got a ways to go on that. The bad news, he has to go back in Friday to get his blood drawn. He was going to have it done Wednesday, but 4 pokes was all he and Mom could handle.

He's now got two teeth but is still teething like crazy. So I'm giving him a frozen washcloth to give him something new to chew on and to soak up the drool. He's not sure what to think of that idea.

He does like his piano play area though. It's got lots of neat toys attached and makes lots of noise. Mom's not too sure what she thinks of THAT idea.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Feeding myself is exhausting work!

Trying New Things

Keagan is trying out new things every day. Today's challenge - the sippy cup. It was a semi-successful attempt. He could use it - if Mommy leaned back the high chair.
Keagan also sat up for quite a while on his own. All I had to do was sit him on the floor, support him for a little bit - and slowly move away. As long as he didn't realize I had moved, he was all good. We'll get there. Next challenge. Doing the laundry and changing his own diaper :)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Oh So Close

It didn't last long (and the pictures aren't the greatest) but Keagan did manage to sit up by himself for a little bit yesterday. We're making SOME progress.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Chow Time

Tonight I tried out my nifty high chair. First I ate some applesauce. I liked it much better this time. Then Mommy gave me some teething cookies. Those didn't really impress me and I decided those were better as decoration on my bib.

I'm 7 Months Old

Today Keagan and I are marking his 7 month birthday. To celebrate, Keagan is "talking" to his pacifier, tormenting the cats, and sucking on his big toe.

He'll hate me later, but I have to post this picture of Keagan's favorite thing so far - bathtime! It's also my favorite time, because afterwards he's about as mellow as a baby can possibly be.

Less than a month and the two of us are headed to North Dakota so the rest of the family can meet the little guy. He's VERY excited to see Grandma and Grandpa again.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Woo Hoo

Last night Keagan slept for 7 hours straight. Of course it was from 7:30 pm until 2:30 am - and he wanted to play for 90 minutes after he ate - but it was 7 hours. The bad part was that I kept checking him every hour after 11 pm to make sure he was ok because he's never slept that long. Now if only the sleep trend would become a trend and not a one night thing.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


So this isn't as cute as pictures of Keagan, but I thought I'd post it to show the family my new Emmy. I won a regional Emmy (for the Pacific Northwest) - for best morning/daytime newscast. Now I have to find some place to put it where Keagan can't reach it - because those tips are pointy.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa. Here's a wet & goofy kiss for you from me!

Just Chillin'

Keagan tried on one of his hats that we bought in Ethiopia. It was knitted by a man who sat outside our guest house in Addis Ababa each day. He made all kinds of things for the kids but we just ended up buying two little hats. They're pretty stylish I think.

And we made a breakthrough of sorts today - of his first tooth. I'm going to blame that for his recent round of crankiness and the fact that he drools more than any person his size should.
(Keagan really DOES smile, just not when the camera is pointed at him - which is completely understandable.)