Friday, July 31, 2009

Mmmm Mmmm Good

So I'm a little bit messy when I eat.

Monday, July 27, 2009

In Case You Didn't Know....

... my mom is hilarious!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Cooling Off With Ice Pops

I bought Keagan some ice pops to try and keep him cool during our heat wave. Keep in mind - I really thought he would like these. I did not buy them to see if they would cause him to make funny faces.

Despite the horrifying reaction - he kept reaching for the ice pop like he wanted some more. Maybe it's an acquired taste.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Catching Up With Keagan

I haven't posted any new video of Keagan in a while - so here's a potpourri of stuff I took through July.

Keagan faces off with the moving panda.

Keagan loves his animal sounds.

He does NOT like medicine hidden in his baby food.

He also doesn't like it when Mom says his name really loud into an echoing microphone.

The end of a long day of playing.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Fun At The Pool

Mom and I went to the pool again today.
I'm still not sure I like this floaty thing.
It's a lot easier to use when Mom remembers to blow it up before she puts me in it.

Swimming is hard work. I can barely keep my eyes open. Time for a nap.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My New Bathtub

Mom got me this cool new inflatable tub today. It even quacks when you squeeze the front. I love to splash in it.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My New Friend Mickey

My great-aunt Joyce sent me this Mickey Mouse toy and this cool hat. Pretty stylin' don't you think?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Relaxing At The Brown House

Some days it's hard being me.
Talladega thinks avoiding me all day long is exhausting.

Friday, July 10, 2009

More Family

My uncle Joe is a lot of fun and made me laugh.

Aren't we a handsome pair.

My Great-Grandma Marquart loved to hold me.

And Great-Aunt Mary thought I was pretty charming (but really, who doesn't?)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Meeting The Family

I already knew Grandma and Grandpa - but aren't we cute!
Great-Aunt Jolene can't wait to take me to my first NASCAR race

Great-Aunt RosaLee can't see me because I threw her glasses across the counter .
More pictures to come after Mom gets the rest of the pictures loaded.

Splish Splash in My Pool

Grandma and Grandpa bought me this great swimming pool. It was so much fun. Grandpa made me my own waterfall from that bucket. I just couldn't quite catch that water.

Playing With Grandma

Grandma read me lots of books
She wouldn't let me hold the phone while she was talking on it though.

But she did spoil me.

Friday, July 3, 2009

More North Dakota Fun

Driving Grandpa's Jeep.

Riding on the golf cart.

Relaxing on the deck with Grandpa.

Visiting North Dakota

Playing ball with Grandma.