Monday, November 30, 2009

He'll hate me later but....

... these are too funny not to share.
As I was getting ready for work, Keagan came toddling around the corner sporting a new nose ring.
That cheerio was really stuck on there. He walked around for a good 5 minutes like this before I finally found my camera and got a picture where my hands weren't shaking because I was giggling.
He's a little messy with his drinking skills too.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

More Walking

Here's a better video of him walking. And he's SO proud of himself at the end.

Check Me Out!

It's kind of dark, but I finally got a quick video of Keagan walking.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Let's Celebrate Again!

Tonight I celebrated my birthday with my Uncle Mike, Cousin Ella, Great Uncle Jim & Great Aunt Penny. We had cupcakes and candles!

I tried to help blow out the candle - but Mommy had to do it... she has more hot air.

This cupcake sure is tasty. Thanks Grandma!

Mmmm. Frosting.

Ella's cupcake sure looks good.

Then it was time for presents. But first I had to dig through all this paper.

Here's my new picture face. (it's a little blurry, but I had to put this in)

Me and cousin Ella.

I got lots of nice clothes to wear. But I really thought the paper was more fun.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Grandma & Grandpa Come To Visit

I had fun hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa all week.
Playing with Grandpa

Look how good I am at standing

Sitting with Grandma

I kept making this strange face when I was getting my picture taken, so Grandma made a silly face too so I wouldn't look quite as goofy. Thanks Grandma.


Thanks for coming to visit Grandma and Grandpa. I had lots of fun. See you again for Christmas!

Guess Who's 1 Today!

Keagan turns 1 year old today... but we celebrated his birthday party last night with Grandma and Grandpa.

Look at all my presents!

I'm not sure why they're all covered in this annoying paper. Why can't I just have the toys?
Great-Grandma Marquart gave me this neat see-and-say toy. I love the animal noises.
Great-Aunt Jo gave me a book bag full of books. I love books!
More bath toys! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!

Mommy got me this push toy. I wish I could walk so I could use it.
Check out my 1 man band set. It's musical AND tasty.
Playing with my toys.
Red cake for my 1st Birthday. Love it!
I'm not too sure about the frosting.

Happy Birthday to me. I'm not sure I like that singing thing though.

Grandpa's trying to teach me how to play the drums.

Sunday, November 1, 2009