Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Keagan Update

Keagan has officially been home for 1 year and about a week. I that time he's suffered through 6 ear infections. We're currently fighting #6 right now. The first round of antibiotics didn't work - so we're trying a stronger one. The nurse practitioner worries that he may be building up an immunity to the one that worked the first 5 times. So now I make an appointment with a specialist to see if ear tubes are the next order of business. The average wait for an appointment is 2 months.... so it could be a while yet before we know for sure if/when he'll have surgery.

I do not relish the thought of sending my son off to surgery - but if it will stop this never-ending cycle of ear infections - let's get it done.

Other than that - Keagan is a typical 18 month old - rambunctious and full of bumps and bruises.

And - we're about 1 month away from a vacation back home... so other family members can try and keep up with him :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Night Night

Always thinking, even when he's sound asleep.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Another Anniversary

It's hard to believe, but it's been exactly 1 year since I boarded a plane with Mom and Dad and headed to Ethiopia to meet my little boy. It's amazing how fast a year can go by.

Sometimes it feels like this year went by faster than that flight.