Saturday, March 19, 2011

Keagan's New (sort of) Room

Today Mommy took down my crib. I officially have a big boy room now. But she still has to get rid of some of the toys I'm too big for.

Sunday, March 13, 2011



Well - at least for one night. Keagan slept in his big boy bed last night. He went to bed at 8pm - and didn't get out of bed once all night. Woke up at 7:30 am -and waited until Mommy came to get him. Then he even topped it off by going to the bathroom in the big boy potty. Not a bad first night experiment.... now let's see how long that successful trend continues.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I'm Getting So Big!

Look who just got a big boy bed.

This thing's fun to play on.

Puppy likes it too.

It's even comfortable to lay down on. We'll see how it goes when I try to make him sleep on it.

Friday, March 4, 2011

A Major Milestone

For those of you playing along at home - I apologize for not updating the site for quite a while. I will try to get some new pictures of the little man up soon.

Yesterday we marked a small victory - or a major one in my book. My son finally decided to call himself "Keagan". For the longest time - he's insisted that his name was "Deedee". No matter how hard I tried to get him to say Keagan - he'd never do it.

Conversations usually went something like this:
Me: Keagan. Say Key
K: Key
Me: Say "gan"
K: Gan
Me: Keagan
K: Deedee (or Thomas - depending on his mood)

Yesterday he decided that it was fun to see Mommy do major cheers when he said "Keagan" - so he's finally learning. He also thinks it's a lot of fun to say his middle name - Abayneh". Whatever works for him.

He's also started to potty train - which is an interesting adventure. Usually he only tell s me that he has to go potty when he's trying to avoid going to sleep. He's smarter than he should be.

I will try to get pictures up soon.