Sunday, March 15, 2009

30 Days And Counting Down

In just 30 days, some big wigs in an Ethiopian court room will decide if I will officially become Keagan's mom. 1 more month of just sitting around and waiting. I've had just about enough of that. I have "tentative" travel dates of May 14-21st, which means we'd actually leave on the 13th - so we can arrive on the 14th. Those dates will be firmed up after the court date of course.
In the meantime, I'm occupying my time trying to clean out Keagan's room and make room for some of his stuff. I guess I really don't need that box full of old college projects anymore anyway.
Tomorrow I'm headed to the doctor's office to get my first round - yes, first round, of travel vaccinations. Anyone who knows me will realize that this idea does NOT thrill this soon-to-be mommy very much at all. I'll find out exactly how many vaccinations I need to get when I meet with them tomorrow. But I'm going to guess there will be at least 5 shots involved. Oh well, a bunch of shots and a very long plane trip is still more appealing than actually going through labor.
I'm off to clean the nursery so it's ready for Grandma and Grandpa to paint when they get here :)

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