Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Can My Kid PLEASE Catch A Break?

What's this you ask? The nebulizer that we're once again using to combat some breathing issues. Keagan caught a virus that aggravated his restrictive airway disease. Nothing major - but the urgent care doc says Keagan may have a hint of asthma. Right now - he's got me on fever patrol - because if he develops a fever... it's likely a trip to the ER for a chest x-ray to make sure he doesn't have pneumonia. The dr. doesn't think that'll happen - and he's pretty sure Keagan will shake the virus in less than a week. We've also got some other high powered medicine to kick the virus out. I've been warned that it tastes bad and may cause vomiting - so there's also that fun to look forward to.
Where's Keagan in this picture you ask? Passed out sleeping in his crib because he wore himself out screaming through the entire treatment.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

More Fun At The Circus

Running Away To The Circus

We went to the new "Circus" exhibit at the Pacific Science Center today. We met up with my friend Daniel. We're little, but this box got kind of cramped.

This was a fun little machine. I loved pushing the buttons and listening to it laugh.

Do I really have to leave this spot?

There was a fun tent where we could play dress up. I liked looking at other people dress up instead.

Keagan center stage. Somehow I doubt it will be the last time.

Then we found this fun maze. There were all kinds of places to climb and run.

We weren't real fond of sharing. So we grabbed the ball and ran a lot.

Fun with toddlers and electricity.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


So this is our "Stinky" dance. You have to make dirty diapers entertaining somehow. This is just one of the versions of that dance. Please forgive the bad singing - and the fact that he ends it to run for more juice.

And here's a short version of the hokey pokey.