Sunday, June 20, 2010

Can My Kid PLEASE Catch A Break?

What's this you ask? The nebulizer that we're once again using to combat some breathing issues. Keagan caught a virus that aggravated his restrictive airway disease. Nothing major - but the urgent care doc says Keagan may have a hint of asthma. Right now - he's got me on fever patrol - because if he develops a fever... it's likely a trip to the ER for a chest x-ray to make sure he doesn't have pneumonia. The dr. doesn't think that'll happen - and he's pretty sure Keagan will shake the virus in less than a week. We've also got some other high powered medicine to kick the virus out. I've been warned that it tastes bad and may cause vomiting - so there's also that fun to look forward to.
Where's Keagan in this picture you ask? Passed out sleeping in his crib because he wore himself out screaming through the entire treatment.

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