Thursday, July 28, 2011


So tonight, I put Keagan to bed and pulled his door mostly shut. I could tell that he was in his room playing. After about an hour, it got quiet and I walked down to check on him. But as I got closer - I couldn't figure out why I smelled Desitin. Then I opened the door and he was standing there like this.
I freaked out because the tube said "call poison control immediately if ingested". First I called Mike - who called Kristy - who told Mike to reassure me that he should be fine.... but call poison control anyway. I did - and they assured me that he'll be fine.
I found out that it's very hard to get Desitin off of a child's face, neck, ears, hands, arms, legs and inside his nose. Not even a good scrub down in the tub seemed to get it all out.
Right now, puppy, his blanket and sheets are in the wash (hopefully puppy makes it through the ordeal). He's mad because he can't sleep with his blanket.
But at least his face won't get diaper rash.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Fun At The Zoo

Today we went to the zoo with my friend Daniel and his mommy.
This lion looks pretty tame.

I don't want to get too close, just in case.

I have no idea what was in this cage.

It didn't really matter, Daniel and I had more fun just copying each other.

We had a pretty good time. Mommy would have taken more pictures, but I kept running away from her and she had to stop me from getting lost.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Lunch Date With The Wings

On Saturday we went to lunch with Derek & Helen Wing and baby Kailyn.
I started out with a lemon appetizer.

Then Kailyn & Derek (or Deret - as I like to call him) took me on a walk to get this cool balloon.

Kailyn didn't say much - but she is only 7 months old.


And a little hug.


Wait - when are my fries coming?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Day At The Park

We went to the park with Mommy's friends today.
Check out this cool motorcycle.

The play set was much more fun though. These blue bars were everywhere. I guess they kept me from falling to the ground.

Hmmmmm. Which way should I go next?

Is anybody watching me?

That tunnel was pretty fun.

This slide looks like it could be pretty fun.

Wee! It goes around and around and around.

The straight slides were fun too.

I really liked the swings.


I wish I had one off these at home.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Day (or 3 hours) with Thomas the Train

I saw a cool working Thomas the train model

And I got a Thomas tattoo

There was a great tent filled with train tables.

Look at all of those engines I don't have at home.

This is so much fun. I wish I had one at my house.

Posing with my cousins in front of an engine. I wish I was back in that train table tent.

I ate some cheese pizza. Then I fell off the bench. I scuffed my elbow but I should be ok.

Yes, I'm pouting. I'm tired of waiting, I want to play with the train tables, and Mommy won't buy me anything at the souvenir tent.

Look how close we sat to Thomas on the train.

I can't believe this ride is finally going to start.

Ella and Ollie seem excited too.

How cool is Thomas the Train?!

Bye Thomas!