Sunday, September 25, 2011

Keagan's First Broken Bone

And hopefully his last. I got a call Friday from Keagan's daycare saying he had fallen down while playing and couldn't get up. I picked him up and rushed him to urgent care where they took an x-ray and found this:
The doctor said he needed to immediately go to the doctor because he'd probably have to have surgery to fix it. He said the hospital in Renton didn't have the specialists to handle it so he called an ambulance to take us to Children's Hospital in Seattle.

So this was Keagan's first ambulance ride. (It was very bumpy and Mommy almost got sick). This was obviously his favorite part - and throughout the weekend, whenever something got really bad, he told everyone that he wanted to go in the ambulance. And despite the pain, he didn't cry at all. However, he did not hesitate to tell the EMTs that it was too bumpy.

We got to the hospita after 7pm - and he continued to charm the nurses, who dubbed him the new ER mascot, until about 11:30pm - when a team of 3 people put a soft plaster cast on his leg to stabilize it for the night. Then we were admitted to the hospital to await surgery Saturday morning.

It's dark - but you can see the splint holding his little leg in place. It was a pretty rough night. He woke up screaming a few times. The nurses had to try a bunch of different drugs to finally find one that took the pain away.

Saturday, he went up to the O.R. so they could reset his leg and put on his cast. Luckily - they didn't have to open up his leg and put any pins or nails in it. They said it would heal enough without them. Needless to say, Mommy was not a big fan of watching her son getting carted off to be put under for any reason - and of course sat there crying. He was only in for about 30 minutes then went to recovery. I saw him about an hour later. He was PISSED. He screamed and screamed. But it's understandable when you look like this:

The freeze pop made it a little better. We did get to go home that night. However, we didn't actually leave the hospital until about 10:45pm. The first night home was much better. Nothing helps healing like sleeping in your own bed.

We've got some things to figure out. Changing diapers is almost impossible, moving him around isn't much easier. He can't stand or sit up for about 6 weeks. That's gonna be tough for an active little boy. He also doesn't fit in his car seat - so when we go anywhere, like doctor visits - we have this horrendous contraption that straps him to the back seat of my car. Hopefully we'll get the hang of it sooner rather than later.

1 comment:

  1. And the winner of the mother of the year award goes to Teri Brown. Kudos for making it through the event ... I'm praying that you make it through the recovery. Thinking of you friend!
