My friend, Daniel, had his 3rd birthday party at the Seattle Children's Musem.
We all got cool hats, a bag full of goodies and a piece of dinosaur cake.
That's my friend, Daniel. in the yellow t-shirt. My friend, Sol, is in the blue. I don't know who the girl is - but she seemed to like the party too.
The party room had a cool train thing hanging on the wall. It kept me kind of distracted while Daniel opened his presents.
Then it was time to head out to the museum... so much to see.... so little time.
I crawled into a boat - but got out after a few seconds - because there was other stuff to see.
OK. I knocked those over - now what else can I get into?
Hmmm.... I wonder what the inside of a whale looks like? Maybe I don't want to know that bad.
Ah monkey bars, my old nemesis. Not even a broken femur can keep me from trying you out again. I will not let you defeat me. Well, maybe I'll just climb back on the platform. The floor kind of looks far away.
I think I'll wrap up this visit with a nice, leisurely drive ini a fire truck looking thing.
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