Saturday, June 23, 2012

Keagan's Big Commercial Shoot

Keagan got a part in a Dell commercial.  He played the youngest of 3 boys in a family. This scene is his 4th birthday party.
 There was a real birthday cake with candles... but the presents were fake. (I'm the kid in the green and yellow plaid shirt at the head of the table)
 The group sang Happy Birthday several times.
 I snuck a taste of the frosting.
 The guy in the black shirt was in charge. He liked to shout out stuff for us to do.
 This was the mess behind the scenes.
 See, more singing.  The woman in the blue shirt was my fake mommy for the day.
 They let us eat the cake. I had 2 pieces and 5 little cups of ginger ale. Mommy couldn't say no.
 More party fun.
 The guy with the camera on the right is taking some close up shots of us eating.
 We spent a lot of time downstairs between shoots. This is Levi. He came to my 'party'.
 The boy in red is Sean. The one in blue is Anthony. They were my pretend brothers and were a lot of fun to play with. The girl was just someone else at the party.
 This is the shoot after the birthday party scene. This is my fake family looking at our fake photo album (but it had real pictures of all of us in it)

1 comment:

  1. How fun and cute is that!?!?! Would have loved to been there. I'd have bet against him 'pretending' to be part of another family for two days and having two fake birthday parties with empty gifts! Did he get to open them though?
