Saturday, May 31, 2014

My First Movie

Keagan shot his scene for his 1st movie. It's a short film called "Shift Paradigm".  He plays the role of Samuel's son.  The guy that plays his dad wrote & stars in the movie. He played Keagan's dad in the Dell commercial when Keagan was 3.  He thought Keagan was so awesome back then - he wanted to work with him again on this project.

 This is the call sheet telling us when we needed to show up for filming.  We were almost late because Mom got lost.  We pulled up to the park 1 minute before our call time.
 This is K shooting his scene with his movie Mommy, Evelyn.  He said she was very nice - and very beautiful.
 Keagan shooting his scene with movie Dad, Greg.
 This was after we were all finished filming.  Greg pulled him aside and told him what a great job he did.
 Here's the film crew setting up for Keagan's big screen debut.

 More filming with Greg.
 Of course - they had to do a high five.
 More play time with Evelyn.

 The guy with his arm raised is the director. He kept giving Keagan fist bumps every time they'd walk past each other.
 This is before Keagan started shooting anything. We did a lot of sitting around and waiting.  Before we could shoot his scenes - Greg had to have his fake beard removed.  Keagan had to check out the action up close.
 He was concerned the fake beard fuzz might get stuck on him.
 I think this is when Keagan yelled 'Hey, you almost look normal now'.
 Keagan wanted to check out the makeup chair.  He didn't need any though.
 Of course there was a craft services table.  Keagan mowed down 6 pieces of licorice, a bag of chips and a bottle of water.
 More pictures of Keagan's scene.  He got to go down the slide - a lot.

 He and Greg stayed at the top - and then Keagan slid down to Evelyn.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Happy Birthday, What Are You Getting Me?

I told Keagan that it's Grandma's birthday today.  He said 'I can't wait to see what she sends me'.
When I told him that people don't usually send others gifts on their birthdays - he fired back with "They do if they really love you".

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Time To Exercise

For some reason, Keagan decided that it was a good idea to do push ups while he was eating lunch today. He'd take 2 bites - do some push ups...take 2 bites - do some push ups.  Lunch took about 3 days - but whatever works I guess

Rules Are Boring!

That's a common phrase heard around our house these days.  Keagan's not a big fan of having to do what he's told.  He frequently tells me he can't wait until he grows up so he can make his own rules.

Well, tonight's battle revolved around eating (as it often does).  I told him I'm done making special dinners for him to eat. I'm going to make one thing and if he doesn't want to eat what I'm eating - well, then he'll go to bed hungry.

His incredulous reply: 'You just changed the rules? That's not nice'.  Then he added this gem - 'Maybe next Wednesday we can change the rules so I can stay up later'.

Always thinking.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

A Day At Woodland Park Zoo

Today we had Keagan and Mommy fun day at the zoo in Seattle. We hadn't been there since I was about 3 years old.

 There were lots of cool caves to climb in and explore.
 Mommy looked at the animals. I found lots of big rocks to climb.
 There were also great places to play peak with fake animals - like this fox.
 The zoo was full of very helpful signs.  It's too bad many of the animals (including that porcupine) were all sleeping.
 The bears were awake though. This one kept walking right at us - but turned around when he got to the swimming hole.
 As fun as that class sounds - we decided to skip it.
We also got to ride on the carousel. Mommy didn't like it because she got dizzy standing backwards watching me.
There were also lots of great places to run around - but I may have gone just a little bit too far.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


So I have about a year's worth of videos that no one has seen. They're not in any particular order - but some of them are kinda fun.
Keagan's 4th birthday party at the Everett Children's Museum (one of his favorite places ever!).  Mommy went overboard with the "Jake and the Neverland Pirates" theme.

Keagan checking out the scooter he got from Uncle Jim & Penny.

Keagan - just being Keagan.

This is back home in North Dakota and one of Keagan's first ever boat rides. He wasn't that interested in the fishing part - but he liked to hold his hands in the boat spray.

New Bike

I got a new bike.  I had a lot of fun riding around with my friends around the condo complex.  I wanted to ride my bike the 2 miles to school by myself the next morning - but for some reason Mommy said no.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Last Random Update For Now

 Keagan got a new shirt that he wants to wear all the time now.

 We went to a community Easter egg hunt. They had a ton of eggs - but it was absolutely pouring.
But we did run into a couple friends there. Armel and Isay.  They go to Keagan's pre-school.
 There are a lot of kids Keagan's age living at our condo complex.  They run around all by themselves almost every day.  Mommy comes out and watches sometimes so I can play too.  This is just a small group of the condo kids.
 Mommy found a new website that is supposed to help get kids to do chores.  It worked for one week.

 We went to Uncle Jim's for Easter again this year.  We had an Easter Egg hunt. It was too cool for the hot tub (plus Mommy didn't bring my swimsuit) - so I just sat on top of it.
 On one 'Mommy and Keagan Fun Day', Mommy asked if I wanted to go on the monorail or to the top of the Space Needle. Much to Mommy's surprise (and her wallet's) - I chose the Space Needle.
I'm not a big fan of that outer ring - but it was still fun to be up there for a while.
 I had my first eye appointment too.  Mommy got worried when I told her that my eyes are sometimes blurry on Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays (but never weekends). The doctor says my eyes are fine.
And we had pre-school graduation pictures taken. I start Kindergarten this fall!

Other Random Stuff

 Went to my favorite place - The Everett Children's Museum. Did a little digging for dinosaurs.
 This is how I eat breakfast most mornings in Mommy's room.  That position looks like it absolutely hurts.
 We checked out the Family Fun Center in Tukwila.  The games and rides were fun - but this is Keagan's favorite. It's called the "Frog Hopper". It goes way up in the air and then shakes the kids like crazy and it hops up and down. Keagan laughs so hard it sounds like it hurts.
Keagan wrote his first book at school.  He told his teacher what to write - and then he wrote the pictures.  However, Mommy had to fix part of the story when he got home because the teacher wrote "trees" instead of "trains" on a page.  How in the world did she ever make that mistake with him?

My Little Picasso

Keagan and I tried something new on a rainy day.  I found a place where you could pick and paint pottery - and then have someone else clean up the mess. I was all about that!

Keagan chose a guitar bank.  Mommy painted a big plate with his handprints.
And here's the finished product a week later after they had fired them.  Mommy's didn't turn out quite like she wanted - but Keagan was pretty happy with that bank.

Sesame Street Live & Renton Safety Fair

The day before Mother's Day, Mommy surprised me by getting tickets to Sesame Street Live.  We had pretty good seats.
There were lots of singing and dancing puppets.

I even got some cotton candy. I was only allowed to take a few bites though. Mom says there's too much sugar and I get crazy.
But since I woke up at 4am - it was really hard to stay awake sometimes.
After that, we caught some lunch and Mommy found out there was a safety fair at the Renton Community Center - so we decided to check that out too.
There was a lot of cool free stuff and games - but I really wanted to get my face painted.
I got a dinosaur.  You can kinda tell it was her first & last dinosaur of the day.
And of course I had to get a train.  This one turned out pretty cute.

Grandma & Grandpa Came To Visit!

Grandma and Grandpa went on a cruise and then ended up at our place for 3 days (it's better than 2 days, ya know).  Just because they were only here a short time doesn't mean we didn't have lots of fun
 Grandpa and I played with Grandma's I-pad.  The I made them both play trains with me.

We played trains a lot.

 Then we played on the Wii.  I love to go cow racing!
 Of course, I kind of insisted that Grandma make some cookies.
I even helped.