Sunday, May 11, 2014

Time To Catch Up (Again)

The Story Of The Missing Teeth

Keagan's teeth started pointing in all different directions last month.  During his last dental visit, I told the dentist that Keagan had to keep his teeth until mid-June so he'd have teeth for Joe & Emma's wedding.
The dentist took one look at his teeth and said, 'Yeah, that's never going to happen.  Those bottom teeth may not even last until the end of the month'.
Then at 1am on the Saturday before Easter ...

 He was very excited and came screaming into my room. Once I calmed down from the scare, we took pictures and I convinced him to go back to bed.

The tooth fairy didn't come that night, but...

The Easter Bunny came the next morning.
And so did the Tooth Fairy.  She traded his tooth for $1.50.  He was very excited.  Then as Mommy was getting ready to go to Uncle Jim's for Easter, Keagan brought me the dollar bill and said that he wanted me to have it because he wanted me to have something special too.  No matter what I said, he wouldn't take that dollar bill back.  It's now safely tucked away in my jewelry box.
Then, at 5am on May Day....

the second bottom tooth fell out.  He got $1.50 in quarters this time from the Tooth Fairy. He decided to keep all of those.

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