Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fun At The Space Needle & Monorail

Today, Mommy and I went to the Space "Noodle". She promised we could go once I got my cast off.

We're headed to the elevator. Mommy is glad I'm more interested in this gummy fish than the very expensive gift shop below us.

Here we are on the observation tower.

Wait. Are we that high? I need to hold on tight to this telescope. Mommy, please get me down.

Thank goodness. Back on solid ground. Now we get to ride the train. Why don't they open the door? Oh. Mommy says this one is broken.

I think I hear the other train coming into the station!

Mommy, no more pictures. You have to hold me in your lap. I hope the other passengers didn't mind me yelling "This is fun, Mommy" - over and over again during the train ride.

Man, that was an exhausting day. I'll just shut my eyes and rest until we get home.

(this one I included because it's just slightly creepy. I hate when he has his eyes partially open when he's sleeping.)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Christmas Is Coming!

Mommy and I went to the store and we saw tons of Christmas trees! I was so excited.
This one looked pretty nice. I wonder what these lights feel like. The answer is - hot.
Oh....My...... Goodness! Mommy, look! Giant m's. It's like the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

Party At The Children's Museum

My friend, Daniel, had his 3rd birthday party at the Seattle Children's Musem.
We all got cool hats, a bag full of goodies and a piece of dinosaur cake.

That's my friend, Daniel. in the yellow t-shirt. My friend, Sol, is in the blue. I don't know who the girl is - but she seemed to like the party too.

The party room had a cool train thing hanging on the wall. It kept me kind of distracted while Daniel opened his presents.

Then it was time to head out to the museum... so much to see.... so little time.

I crawled into a boat - but got out after a few seconds - because there was other stuff to see.

OK. I knocked those over - now what else can I get into?

Hmmm.... I wonder what the inside of a whale looks like? Maybe I don't want to know that bad.

Ah monkey bars, my old nemesis. Not even a broken femur can keep me from trying you out again. I will not let you defeat me. Well, maybe I'll just climb back on the platform. The floor kind of looks far away.

I think I'll wrap up this visit with a nice, leisurely drive ini a fire truck looking thing.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

More Party!

I wonder when we're going to eat this cake?

I wonder if anyone will notice that hand print in the frosting?

Time to pull off these candles and get to eating!

Mmmmm. Tasty!

Ella and Ollie got some cake too.

Time for presents!

I got this really cool jeep from Daniel and his Mommy & Daddy.

Mommy got me a couple new Chuggington trains. I need to collect all of these trains now too.

Mommy got me these bean bags with numbers and colors in Amharic. Now we both have to learn how to pronounce the words.

Cool! A remote control Thomas!

And a Thomas the Train cell phone. Thanks Uncle Mike, Aunt Kristy, Ella & Ollie.


This year - I decided I needed a "Cars" theme for my birthday.
Hey, something's not right with this cake. I don't think Mommy made my cake this year.

I can't wait to blow out the candles.

We're not entirely sure that the store spelled my name right. We're going to pretend that last vowel is an "a".

Mommy may not have made my cake - but she did a lot of decorating.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!

I've finally got the hang of this opening presents thing.

Monday, November 7, 2011

I'm 3!

Happy Birthday Keagan!

He was very excited for his big day... however he can't seem to get his new age quite right.
I asked him how old he was - and he answered 2. When I told him - no - it's his birthday.... so he decided he's 6 instead.

He got lots of great stuff - but Mommy forgot to charge the battery in her camera - so no pictures. I'll try to load some videos later.

How in the world is he already 3?!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Not Even This Cast Can Slow Me Down!

I didn't want to sit in my stroller at the aquarium so I decided I'd get around by using it as a walking helper.

But the stroller got too clumsy and kept bumping into things, so I just decided to walk around on my own.

Fun At The Seattle Aquarium

Mommy thought it would be a good idea to get out of the house so we both didn't go stir crazy today. She thought it would be a good plan to go to the aquarium while I still have my cast on so I can't run away. Her plan didn't quite work out as planned.
First, I got out of the stroller so I could closely inspect this starfish (yes, it's real). The nice people at the aquarium put it in this bowl so I could closely inspect it. I liked to stir around the cold water, but didn't touch the starfish. Mommy did though, it's not smooth like she thought it would be.

Next, I had to survey the landscape in this tank thing. Yup, everything looks good.

I'd better just check this water. Yes, it's very cold.
There were lots of very colorful fish in these tanks. And the windows were just the perfect height.

This floor is kind of wet and cold with just socks on. No, I do NOT want to get back in the stroller! Don't ask again.

Mommy's too busy taking pictures, so I guess I'll have to walk over to the window on my own. I did it without falling once. Pretty good balance for a guy in a leg cast.

Hmmm, baby salmon. I bet those will be tasty some day.

After the aquarium, I decided I wanted to see some airplanes, so Mommy drove to the airport to let me see some huge planes parked by the terminal. I even got to see a train bringing passengers to the airport.

I was very unhappy that we had to go home. But once we got there - I zonked out for a long nap.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Outside At Last!

Grandpa took me out for a stroll today. That old condo was getting pretty stuffy.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Playing With My New Trucks

Obviously, I had a very successful trip to the toy store while both Grandma and Grandpa were here.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Saturday, October 1, 2011

How To Entertain A Broken Toddler

Once the nurse assured me that he can try and move around as much as possible - we put him on the floor and let him go. Nothing can stop the little man from playing with his cool new train set.

But when all else fails, nothing beats curling up with blankie, puppy and a good movie.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Keagan's First Broken Bone

And hopefully his last. I got a call Friday from Keagan's daycare saying he had fallen down while playing and couldn't get up. I picked him up and rushed him to urgent care where they took an x-ray and found this:
The doctor said he needed to immediately go to the doctor because he'd probably have to have surgery to fix it. He said the hospital in Renton didn't have the specialists to handle it so he called an ambulance to take us to Children's Hospital in Seattle.

So this was Keagan's first ambulance ride. (It was very bumpy and Mommy almost got sick). This was obviously his favorite part - and throughout the weekend, whenever something got really bad, he told everyone that he wanted to go in the ambulance. And despite the pain, he didn't cry at all. However, he did not hesitate to tell the EMTs that it was too bumpy.

We got to the hospita after 7pm - and he continued to charm the nurses, who dubbed him the new ER mascot, until about 11:30pm - when a team of 3 people put a soft plaster cast on his leg to stabilize it for the night. Then we were admitted to the hospital to await surgery Saturday morning.

It's dark - but you can see the splint holding his little leg in place. It was a pretty rough night. He woke up screaming a few times. The nurses had to try a bunch of different drugs to finally find one that took the pain away.

Saturday, he went up to the O.R. so they could reset his leg and put on his cast. Luckily - they didn't have to open up his leg and put any pins or nails in it. They said it would heal enough without them. Needless to say, Mommy was not a big fan of watching her son getting carted off to be put under for any reason - and of course sat there crying. He was only in for about 30 minutes then went to recovery. I saw him about an hour later. He was PISSED. He screamed and screamed. But it's understandable when you look like this:

The freeze pop made it a little better. We did get to go home that night. However, we didn't actually leave the hospital until about 10:45pm. The first night home was much better. Nothing helps healing like sleeping in your own bed.

We've got some things to figure out. Changing diapers is almost impossible, moving him around isn't much easier. He can't stand or sit up for about 6 weeks. That's gonna be tough for an active little boy. He also doesn't fit in his car seat - so when we go anywhere, like doctor visits - we have this horrendous contraption that straps him to the back seat of my car. Hopefully we'll get the hang of it sooner rather than later.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Melkam Addis Amet

Happy Ethiopian New Year. We celebrated with other families at Seattle's Ethiopian Community Mutual Association Center.